Premiering tonight is the National Geographic original documentary series Tsunami: Race Against Time directed by Daniel Bogado and executive produced by Tanya Winston & Danny Horan about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that took over 225,000 lives. The show’s original music is composed by David Schweitzer (Emma, The Reluctant Traveler, The Afterparty, Our Great National Parks, World War II: From the Frontline, Sanditon). Hollywood Records has released a soundtrack album featuring the composer’s score this past Friday. Check out our soundtrack announcement for the full album details and to learn more about the 4-parter, which will air on National Geographic and will also be available to stream on Disney+ and Hulu tomorrow.
Premiering tomorrow, November 25, is the Paramount+ original movie Dear Santa directed by Bobby Farrelly and starring Jack Black, Robert Timothy Smith, Keegan-Michael Key, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Post Malone, P.J. Byrne, Jaden Carson Baker and Kai Cech. Rupert Gregson-Williams (Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hacksaw Ridge, The Gilded Age, Smallfoot, The Perfect Couple, The Legend of Tarzan, Over the Hedge) has composed the film’s original music. No word on a soundtrack release. Check out our previous article for more information about the holiday comedy, which will be available to stream exclusively on Paramount+. Read the rest of this entry »