Premiering in the U.S. on Wednesday, October 2, is the British TV series Joan created by Anna Symon and starring Sophie Turner, Frank Dillane, Gershwyn Eustache Jnr, Kirsty J. Curtis and Laura Aikman. The show’s original music is composed by Harry Escott (Shame, Hard Candy, Welcome to the Punch, Roadkill, The Wedding Guest, The English Game, The Face of an Angel, The Frankenstein Cronicles). Check out our previous news article for more information about the 6-part drama, which will make its U.S. debut on The CW following its premiere tonight in the UK on ITV.
Premiering on Thursday, October 3, is the horror thriller Hold Your Breath directed by Will Joines & Karrie Crouse and starring Sarah Paulson, Annaleigh Ashford, Bill Heck, Ebon Moss-Bachrach and Amiah Miller. Colin Stetson (Hereditary, The Menu, Uzumaki, Color Out of Space, The First, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) has composed the film’s original music. A soundtrack album featuring the composer’s score will be announced soon. Click here to learn more about the Searchlight Pictures production, which premiered at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival and will be available to stream exclusively on Hulu. Read the rest of this entry »