Premiering in the U.S. on Wednesday, October 2, is the British TV series Joan created by Anna Symon and starring Sophie Turner, Frank Dillane, Gershwyn Eustache Jnr, Kirsty J. Curtis and Laura Aikman. The show’s original music is composed by Harry Escott (Shame, Hard Candy, Welcome to the Punch, Roadkill, The Wedding Guest, The English Game, The […]
Posts Tagged ‘Aitor Etxebarria’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (September 29, 2024)
Posted: September 29, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Aitor Etxebarria, Amazon, Colin Stetson, Harry Escott, Hold Your Breath, House of Spoils, Hulu, Jim Williams, Joan, Lisbeth Scott, Max, Nathan Barr, Netflix, Salem's Lot, The CW, The Platform 2
Soundtrack Album for Netflix’s ‘Burning Body’ Released
Posted: September 8, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Aitor Etxebarria, Burning Body, El Cuerpo En Llamas, Netflix, score, Soundtrack
Netflix Music has released a soundtrack album for the Spanish Netflix limited series Burning Body (El cuerpo en llamas). The album features selections of the show’s original music composed by Aitor Etxebarria (Intimacy, The Radio Amateur). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download here, where you can also check out audio samples Listen to the composer’s […]
Soundtrack Album for Netflix’s ‘Intimacy’ (‘Intimidad’) Released
Posted: August 28, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Aitor Etxebarria, Intimacy, Intimidad, Netflix, score, Soundtrack
Netflix Music has released a soundtrack album for the streamer’s Spanish original series Intimacy (Intimidad). The album features selections of the show’s original music composed by Aitor Etxebarria (The Radio Amateur). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download here, where you can also check out the full track list and listen to audio samples. Intimacy […]