Premiering tonight is the HBO original documentary series Ren Faire produced and directed by Lance Oppenheim and executive produced by Elara Pictures. The show’s original music is composed by Ari Balouzian (Some Kind of Heaven, Spermworld, They Call Us Monsters, The Giant). The 3-parter, which explores the succession drama at the Texas Renaissance Festival and the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Alex Cortés’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (June 2, 2024)
Posted: June 2, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Alex Cortés, Am I OK?, Annie Clark, Anthony D'Amario, Ari Balouzian, Becoming Karl Lagerfeld, Clipped, Craig Wedren, Disney Plus, Edouard Rigaudière, Evgueni Galperine, Fantasmas, FX, HBO, Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial, How to Rob a Bank, Hulu, Leo Birenberg, Max, Michael Abels, Netflix, Queenie, Ren Faire, Robert Ouyang Rusli, Sacha Galperine, Serj Tankian, Swindle, The Acolyte, Under Paris, Vincent Pedulla, Wendy Wang
‘Under Paris’ Soundtrack Album Released
Posted: May 31, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Alex Cortés, Anthony D'Amario, Edouard Rigaudière, Netflix, score, Soundtrack, Under Paris
Netflix Music has released a soundtrack album for the French Netflix original film Under Paris (Sous la Seine). The album features the movie’s original music composed by Anthony D’Amario (Incident in a Ghostland), Alex Cortés (Ares, Night Fare) & Edouard Rigaudière (Follow). Visit Amazon or any other major digital music services to stream/download the soundtrack. Under […]