Disney+ has released the trailer for the documentary Music by John Williams. The film directed by Laurent Bouzereau centers on the life and career of the legendary Academy Award-winning composer and features interviews with Steven Spielberg, Gustavo Dudamel, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Kate Capshaw, J.J. Abrams, Ron Howard, Chris Columbus, Lawrence Kasdan, James Mangold, Chris […]
Posts Tagged ‘Music by John Williams’
‘Music by John Williams’ Documentary Trailer Released
Posted: October 1, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Disney Plus, John Williams, Laurent Bouzereau, Music by John Williams
‘Music by John Williams’ Documentary to Debut at AFI Fest Before Premiering on Disney+
Posted: August 22, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Disney Plus, John Williams, Laurent Bouzereau, Music by John Williams
AFI announced today that the documentary Music by John Williams will open the 38th AFI Fest in Hollywood on October 23, 2024.The film directed by Laurent Bouzereau chronicles the prolific life and career of the legendary Academy Award-winning composer. The movie features interviews with directors Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Chris Columbus, J.J. Abrams,, […]