Premiering on Tuesday, October 25, is the Netflix anthology series Cabinet of Curiosities created by Guillermo del Toro. Tim Davies (Maya and the Three), Jeff Danna (Onward), Christopher Young (Spider-Man 3), Daniele Luppi (Magic City), Michael Yezerski (Blindspotting), Anne Chmelewsky (Where Hands Touch), Daniel Lopatin (Good Time) and Jed Kurzel (Alien: Covenant) have composed the score for the eight episodes and Holly Amber Church (Open 24 Hours) has written the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (October 23, 2022)
Posted: October 23, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Alec Puro, Amazon, Anne Chmelewsky, Blade of the 47 Ronin, Christopher Young, Daniel Lopatin, Daniele Luppi, Disney Plus, Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities, Holly Amber Church, Jed Kurzel, Jeff Danna, Joe Hahn, Kevin Kiner, Michael Yezerski, Netflix, Rob, Run Sweetheart Run, Tales of the Jedi, The Devil's Hour, The Newton Brothers, Tim Davies
Soundtrack Album for ‘Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities’ to Be Released
Posted: October 20, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Anne Chmelewsky, Christopher Young, Daniele Luppi, Guillermo Del Toro, Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities, Holly Amber Church, Jed Kurzel, Jeff Danna, Michael Yezerski, Netflix, Tim Davies
Lakeshore Records will release a soundtrack album for the Netflix anthology series Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities. The album features selections of the original score from the eight episodes of the show composed by Tim Davies (Maya and the Three, Trollhunters), Jeff Danna (The Addams Family, The Good Dinosaur), Christopher Young (Spider-Man 3, Hellraiser), […]