Premiering tonight is the Showtime original documentary The Longest War directed by Greg Barker and executive produced by Alex Gansa & Howard Gordon about America’s involvement in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. The film’s original music is composed by Fernando Velazquez (The Impossible, The Orphanage, Crimson Peak, A Monster Calls, Hercules, Devil). Check our our previous […]
Posts Tagged ‘The Baker and the Beauty’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (April 19, 2020)
Posted: April 19, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Alex Belcher, Apple TV +, Bad Education, Defending Jacob, Dickon Hinchliffe, Dummy, Extraction, Fernando Velazquez, HBO, Henry Jackman, Herdís Stefánsdóttir, Joachim Horsley, Joe Wong, Mandy Hoffman, Mark Mothersbaugh, Michael Abels, Netflix, Quibi, Run, Showtime, Siddhartha Khosla, The Baker and the Beauty, The Longest War, The Midnight Gospel, The Willoughbys, We're Here
Joachim Horsley Scoring ABC’s ‘The Baker and the Beauty’
Posted: April 13, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Joachim Horsley, The Baker and the Beauty
Joachim Horsley (Spirit Riding Free, Big City Greens, 2307: Winter’s Dream, Rapture-Palooza) is scoring the new ABC comedy drama The Baker and the Beauty. The show is developed by Dean Georgaris (The Meg, The Manchurian Candidate) based on the hit Israeli show created by Assi Azar and stars Victor Rasuk, Nathalie Kelley, Carlos Gómez, Dan […]