Fernando Velazquez (The Impossible, The Orphanage, Crimson Peak, Hercules, Devil, A Monster Calls) has recently scored the new Showtime documentary The Longest War. The film is directed by Greg Barker (Manhunt: The Inside Story of the Hunt for Bin Laden, The Final Year) is a companion piece to the final season of Showtime’s Homeland and centers on the human stories and drama behind America’s involvement in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. The movie will unpack the CIA’s long and morally complicated history in Taliban from the 1980s to the present through first-hand accounts of CIA officers and other U.S. key officials. Barker is also executive producing the project with Homeland producers Alex Gansa & Howard Gordon (24, The X-Files) and Diane Becker. Velazquez has previously collaborated with Barker on the narrative feature Sergio, which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and makes its debut today on Netflix. The Longest War will premiere this Sunday, April 19 on Showtime. Visit the official movie website for more information.
Velazquez also has Fernando González Molina’s thriller Ofrenda a la tormenta and the HBO Europe series Patria coming up. The composer is also attached to score the action adventure Corto Maltese.