Dominic Lewis has been tapped to score Disney’s upcoming animated series DuckTales. The show is developed by Marc Youngberg based on the classic 80s cartoon and features the voice talent of David Tennant, Bobby Moynihan, Ben Schwartz, Danny Pudi, Kate Micucci, Toks Olagundoye, Beck Bennett, Tony Anselmo and Lin-Manuel Miranda. The series follows the adventures of millionaire Scrooge McDuck and his nephews, as they travel around the world in search of treasure and wealth. Youngberg is also executive producing the project. Ron Jones has scored all episodes of the original TV series, which premiered in 1987. The first season of DuckTales will premiere this summer on Disney XD. A second season has already been ordered.
Lewis (Free Birds, Money Monster, The DUFF, Fist Fight) will also return to score the third season of Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle. He also scored the upcoming animated feature Henchmen, as well as the comedy Rough Night, which will be released in theaters next week.