Opening in theaters nationwide this week is the animated sequel Moana 2 directed by Dave Derrick Jr., co-directed by Jason Hand and starring Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Gerald Faitala Ramsey, Rachel House, Alan Tudyk, Hualālai Chung, Awhimai Fraser, Temuera Morrison and Nicole Scherzinger. The film’s original score is composed by Mark Mancina (Tarzan, Twister, Speed, Bad […]
Posts Tagged ‘Abigail Barlow’
Weekly Film Music Roundup (November 29, 2024)
Posted: November 29, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Abigail Barlow, Atticus Ross, Emily Bear, John Powell, Karzan Mahmood, Maria, Mark Mancina, Moana 2, Opetaia Foa’I, Our Little Secret, Queer, That Christmas, The Seed of the Sacred Fig, Trent Reznor
‘Moana 2’ Deluxe Edition Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: November 24, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Abigail Barlow, Dave Derrick Jr, Emily Bear, Mark Mancina, Moana, Moana 2, Opetaia Foa’I, score, Soundtrack
Walt Disney Records will release a second soundtrack album for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ feature Moana 2. The album features all of the film’s original songs written by Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear (The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical), Opetaia Foa’i and Mark Mancina (Tarzan, Twister, Bad Boys, Speed, August Rush, Brother Bear). Also included is the movie’s original score composed by Mancina, […]
‘Moana 2’ Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: November 6, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Abigail Barlow, Dave Derrick Jr, Emily Bear, Mark Mancina, Moana, Moana 2, Opetaia Foa’I, Soundtrack
The full details of the soundtrack album for Disney’s animated musical Moana 2 have been revealed. The album features the film’s original songs written by Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear (The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical), Opetaia Foa’i and Mark Mancina (Twister, Tarzan, Bad Boys, Speed, Brother Bear) and performed by voice cast members Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne […]
Original Song ‘Beyond’ from ‘Moana 2’ Released
Posted: November 6, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Abigail Barlow, Dave Derrick Jr, Emily Bear, Moana, Moana 2, Opetaia Foa’I
Walt Disney Records has released the first song from the animated sequel Moana 2. Available to stream/download now on all major digital music services is (the end credits version of) Beyond written by the film’s songwriters Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear (The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical), with Pacific choral vocals written and arranged by Opetaia Foa’i, […]
Disney’s ‘Moana 2’ to Feature Music by Mark Mancina, Opetaia Foa’i, Emily Bear & Abigail Barlow
Posted: February 7, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music News, Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Abigail Barlow, Dave Derrick Jr, Emily Bear, Mark Mancina, Moana 2, Opetaia Foa’I
Disney announced today that Mark Mancina & Opetaia Foa’i will return to compose the music for the upcoming animated musical Moana 2. They are joined by Grammy Award winners Emily Bear & Abigail Barlow (Bridgerton: The Musical) who are also contributing music to the film, which is directed by Dave Derrick Jr. and follows the […]
Marius de Vries, Abigail Barlow, Emily Bear & Mark Sonnenblick Join Music Team of ‘Fred & Ginger’ Biopic
Posted: February 13, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Abigail Barlow, Emily Bear, Fred & Ginger, Jonathan Entwistle, Marius de Vries, Mark Sonnenblick
Music producer Marius de Vries (Coda, Kick-Ass, Strange Magic, Navalny, Sucker Punch), Grammy Award-winning songwriters Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear (The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical) and Emmy Award-nominated songwriter Mark Sonnenblick (Theater Camp) have joined the music team of the upcoming biographical drama Fred & Ginger. The film is directed by Jonathan Entwistle (The End of the F*cking […]