Opening in theaters nationwide this week is the animated sequel Moana 2 directed by Dave Derrick Jr., co-directed by Jason Hand and starring Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Gerald Faitala Ramsey, Rachel House, Alan Tudyk, Hualālai Chung, Awhimai Fraser, Temuera Morrison and Nicole Scherzinger. The film’s original score is composed by Mark Mancina (Tarzan, Twister, Speed, Bad […]
Posts Tagged ‘Maria’
‘Maria’ Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: November 15, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Maria, Maria Callas, Netflix, Pablo Larraín, Soundtrack
Warner Classics will release the official soundtrack album for the biographical drama Maria. The album features restored audio from soprano Maria Callas (played by Angelina Jolie in the film) performing extracts of nine operas that appear in the movie, as well as numbers from Medea, I Puritani, Anna Bolena and Otello. The soundtrack will be […]
James Righton to Score Simon Amstell’s ‘Maria’
Posted: May 5, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: James Righton, Maria, Simon Amstell
Singer/songwriter James Righton (of the former new rave band Klaxons) is set to score the upcoming comedy Maria. The film is written and directed by Simon Amstell and will star Felicity Jones, Jonathan Bailey and Jason Isaacs. The movie follows a young woman with a history of running from reality who spots an opportunity to […]