Premiering on Wednesday, March 1, is the new CBS drama True Lies developed by Matt Nix inspired by James Cameron’s 1994 movie and starring Steve Howey, Ginger Gonzaga, Erica Hernandez, Omar Miller, Mike O’Gorman, Lucas Jaye and Annabella Didion.The show’s original music is composed by Toby Chu (Bao, Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return, Covert Affairs, Found, Fistful […]
Posts Tagged ‘True Lies’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (February 26, 2023)
Posted: February 26, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Amazon, CBS, Daisy Jones & the Six, Disney Plus, Joseph Shirley, Ludwig Göransson, Netflix, The Mandalorian, Toby Chu, Tom Howe, True Lies
Toby Chu Scoring CBS’ ‘True Lies’ TV Series
Posted: January 28, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: CBS, Matt Nix, Toby Chu, True Lies
Toby Chu (Bao, Covert Affairs, Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return, Unforgettable, Found, Fistful of Vengeance) is the composer of the upcoming CBS drama True Lies. The show is developed by Matt Nix (Burn Notice, The Gifted, Turner & Hooch) inspired by James Cameron’s 1994 feature of the same title (scored by Brad Fiedel) and stars Steve […]