Premiering tonight is the National Geographic documentary Apollo: Missions to the Moon directed by Tom Jennings about the United States’ remarkable journey to land on the Moon before 1970. The film’s original music is composed James Everingham for Bleeding Fingers Music and produced by Hans Zimmer & Russell Emanuel. Milan Records has released a soundtrack album featuring Everingham’s score. Check […]
Posts Tagged ‘Apollo: Missions to the Moon’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (July 7, 2019)
Posted: July 7, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Apollo: Missions to the Moon, Blake Neely, Chasing the Moon, Cities of Last Things, Daniel Wohl, Gary Lionelli, HBO, I Love You, Ian Hultquist, James Everingham, Mitch Lee, Nathaniel Blume, National Geographic, Netflix, Now Die: The Commonwealth v. Michelle Carter, PBS, Point Blank, Rob, Shangri-La, Showtime, The Movies
‘Apollo: Missions to the Moon’ Soundtrack Details
Posted: July 5, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Apollo: Missions to the Moon, Bleeding Fingers Music, Hans Zimmer, James Everingham, Russell Emanuel, score, Soundtrack
Milan Records has released a soundtrack album for the National Geographic documentary Apollo: Missions to the Moon. The album features the film’s original music composed by James Everingham for Bleeding Fingers Music and produced by Hans Zimmer & Russell Emanuel. The soundtrack is being released digitally and physically today. Click here to download the album […]