Dragon’s Domain Records has announced a new soundtrack album featuring three scores composed by John Ottman (X2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Superman Returns, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Usual Suspects, Fantastic Four). The album features the composer’s remastered and expanded score from the 1997 crime thriller Incognito directed by John Badham and starring Jason Patric & Irene Jacob, including previously unreleased music. Also included is the world premiere release of Ottman’s music from the 2004 short Lonely Place directed by Kevin Ackerman and starring Tess Harper, Kurtwood Smith &Tomas Arana, as well as his score from the 2002 television movie Brother’s Keeper directed by Badham and starring Jeanne Tripplehorn, Corin Nemec, Leland Orser & Evan Parke. The limited edition 2-CD set is now available to order on the label’s official website, where you can also learn more about the release and order the soundtrack. Both Incognito and Brother’s Keeper are now available on VOD and DVD.
The John Ottman Collection – Volume 1 Album Announced
Posted: December 27, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music Albums, TV Music AlbumsTags: Brother's Keeper, Incognito, John Badham, John Ottman, Lonely Place, score, Soundtrack