Ramin Djawadi has signed on to score the upcoming 3D animated feature Robinson Crusoe. The film is directed by Ben Stassen and Vincent Kesteloot and tells Crusoe’s story from the point of view of his quirky companions, including his parrot Tuesday, who dreams of exploring the world. Stassen is also producing the project for nWave Pictures. Djawadi has previously scored a number of features for nWave and Stassen, including Fly Me to the Moon, the Sammy’s Adventures movies, African Safari and House of Magic. Studiocanal will release Robinson Crusoe in early 2016 in Europe. Lionsgate has recently picked up domestic distribution rights and is planning a theatrical release in mid-September through Summit Entertainment.
Djawadi’s upcoming feature projects also include Duncan Jones’ Warcraft and Zhang Yimou’s The Great Wall. The composer is also scoring HBO’s upcoming series Westworld and continues to write the music for HBO’s Game of Thrones, CBS’ Person of Interest and FX’s The Strain.