Premiering on Tuesday, September 30, on ABC is the new comedy Manhattan Love Story created by Jeff Lowell (John Tucker Must Die) and starring Analeigh Tipton, Jake McDorman, Nicolas Wright, Jade Catta-Preta, Chloe Wepper and Kurt Fuller. The show’s original music is composed by Alec Puro (The Fosters, The Art of Getting By, The First […]
Posts Tagged ‘Manhattan Love Story’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (September 28, 2014)
Posted: September 28, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: A to Z, ABC, Alec Puro, CBS, Craig Wedren, Fox, Gracepoint, How to Get Away with Murder, Jared Faber, John Frizzell, Ludwig Göransson, Manhattan Love Story, Martin Phipps, Marty Beller, Mearl, NBC, Netflix, Peaky Blinders, Selfie, Stalker, Starz, Survivor's Remorse
Alec Puro to Score ABC’s ‘Manhattan Love Story’
Posted: May 28, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Alec Puro, Manhattan Love Story
Alec Puro has signed on to score the upcoming ABC comedy Manhattan Love Story. The show is created by Jeff Lowell (John Tucker Must Die, Spin City) and stars Analeigh Tipton, Jake McDorman, Nicolas Wright, Jade Catta-Preta, Chloe Wepper and Kurt Fuller. The series exposes the unfiltered internal monologues of a young couple embarking on a new relationship. Lowell is also […]