RCA Records has released the original song Learning to Fly from the animated sequel PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie. The track written and produced by Jeremy Silver, co-produced by the film’s composer Pinar Toprak (who provided the string arrangement) and performed by Christina Aguilera is now available to stream/download on all major digital music services, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Jeremy Silver’
Christina Aguilera’s Original Song ‘Learning to Fly’ from ‘PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie’ Released
Posted: September 22, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Cal Brunker, Christina Aguilera, Jeremy Silver, PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie, Pinar Toprak
‘DC League of Super-Pets’ Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: July 28, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: DC League of Super-Pets, Jared Stern, Jeremy Silver, score, Soundtrack, Steve Jablonsky
WaterTower Music will release a soundtrack album for the animated feature DC League of Super-Pets. The album features the film’s original score composed by Steve Jablonsky (Transformers, Lone Survivor, Deepwater Horizon, Ender’s Game, The Island, Skyscraper, Desperate Housewives). Also included is the song Count On Me written and produced by Jeremy Silver and performed by Jac Ross. […]