Premiering on Monday, September 21, is the new NBC drama Blindspot created by Martin Gero, executive produced by Greg Berlanti and starring Jaimie Alexander, Sullivan Stapleton, Audrey Esparza, Rob Brown, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Ukweli Roach and Ashley Johnson. The show’s original music is composed by Blake Neely (Arrow, The Flash, The Mentalist, Everwood, Brothers & Sisters). To learn more about the series, which will air […]
Posts Tagged ‘Heroes Reborn’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (September 20, 2015)
Posted: September 20, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Blake Neely, Blindspot, Brent Belke, CBS, Christian Davis, Dominic Lewis, Ed Mitchell, Fox, Gabriel Mann, Heroes Reborn, Life in Pieces, Lifetime, Limitless, Lisa Coleman, Love on the Air, Mac Quayle, Minority Report, Murder in Mexico, NBC, Paul Leonard Morgan, Rob Simonsen, Rosewood, Scream Queens, Sean Callery, Steve Morrell, The Muppets, The Player, Wendy & Lisa, Wendy Melvoin
Wendy & Lisa to Return for NBC’s ‘Heroes Reborn’
Posted: July 1, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Heroes Reborn, Lisa Coleman, NBC, Tim Kring, Wendy & Lisa, Wendy Melvoin
Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman are returning to provide the original music for the NBC event series Heroes Reborn. The show is created by Tim Kring and stars Zachary Levi, Judith Shekoni, Masi Oka, Jack Coleman, Henry Zebrowski, Robbie Kay, Ryan Guzman, Greg Grunberg, Gatlin Green, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Rya Kihlstedt, Kiki Sukezane and Danika Yarosh. The 13-episode […]