Premiering today is the Fox animated comedy Grimsburg created by Catlan McClelland & Matthew Schlissel and starring Jon Hamm, Erinn Hayes, Alan Tudyk, Rachel Dratch, Greg Chun and Kevin Michael Richardson. The show’s original music is composed by Jesse Novak (BoJack Horseman, Tuca & Bertie, The Mindy Project, The Baby-Sitters Club, Champions, Blockbuster). Check out our previous […]
Posts Tagged ‘Funny Woman’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (January 7, 2024)
Posted: January 7, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Amazon, Apple TV +, Boy Swallows Universe, Criminal Record, Dan Romer, Dave Porter, Disney Plus, Echo, Fox, Funny Woman, Gabriel Mounsey, Grimsburg, Hulu, Jesse Novak, Johnny Klimek, Mikey J Asante, Nainita Desai, Neil Davidge, Netflix, PBS, Peacock, Rael Jones, Role Play, Self Reliance, Ted, Walter Murphy
Soundtrack Album for Sky’s ‘Funny Woman’ to Be Released
Posted: February 8, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Funny Woman, Nainita Desai, score, Sky, Soundtrack
Sky Music will release a soundtrack album for the Sky original comedy series Funny Woman. The album features the show’s original music composed by Primetime Emmy Award nominee Nainita Desai (For Sama, Crossfire, The Reason I Jump, The Tower, 14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible, American Murder: The Family Next Door). The soundtrack will be released […]