Joseph LoDuca is scoring the upcoming Netflix original series Disjointed. The show is created by Chuck Lorre (The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Mom) & David Javerbaum (The Daily Show) and stars Kathy Bates, Dougie Baldwin, Elizabeth Ho, Elizabeth Alderfer, Aaron Moten and Tone Bell. The comedy revolves around a lifelong advocate for pot legalization, as […]
Posts Tagged ‘David Javerbaum’
Netflix’s ‘Disjointed’ to Feature Music by Joseph LoDuca
Posted: June 13, 2017 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Chuck Lorre, David Javerbaum, Disjointed, Joseph LoDuca, Netflix
Mychael Danna, Bear McCreary and John Lunn Win Emmy Awards
Posted: September 15, 2013 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Adam Schlesinger, Bear McCreary, David Javerbaum, Elliot Lawrence, Emmy Awards, John Lunn, Mychael Danna
The Creative Arts Emmy Awards were handed out this afternoon at the NOKIA Theatre LA LIVE in Downtown Los Angeles. John Lunn has received his second Emmy for his music for Downtown Abbey in the Outstandig Music Composition for a Series (Original Dramatic Score) category after last year’s win. Mychael Danna won his first Emmy Award for the mini-series World Without End […]