Premiering today is the Fox animated comedy Grimsburg created by Catlan McClelland & Matthew Schlissel and starring Jon Hamm, Erinn Hayes, Alan Tudyk, Rachel Dratch, Greg Chun and Kevin Michael Richardson. The show’s original music is composed by Jesse Novak (BoJack Horseman, Tuca & Bertie, The Mindy Project, The Baby-Sitters Club, Champions, Blockbuster). Check out our previous […]
Posts Tagged ‘Boy Swallows Universe’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (January 7, 2024)
Posted: January 7, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Amazon, Apple TV +, Boy Swallows Universe, Criminal Record, Dan Romer, Dave Porter, Disney Plus, Echo, Fox, Funny Woman, Gabriel Mounsey, Grimsburg, Hulu, Jesse Novak, Johnny Klimek, Mikey J Asante, Nainita Desai, Neil Davidge, Netflix, PBS, Peacock, Rael Jones, Role Play, Self Reliance, Ted, Walter Murphy
Johnny Klimek & Gabriel Mounsey Scoring Netflix’s ‘Boy Swallows Universe’
Posted: November 28, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Boy Swallows Universe, Gabriel Mounsey, Johnny Klimek, Netflix
Johnny Klimek (Cloud Atlas, Run Lola Run, Sense8, Babylon Berlin, The International, The Matrix Resurrections) and Gabriel Mounsey (Breaking In, Messiah, This Is Congo) have teamed up to score the upcoming Australian Netflix limited series Boy Swallows Universe. The show is written by John Collee (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Happy Feet) […]