Gabriel Mann has been hired to score the upcoming Nickelodeon original series School of Rock. The show is created by Jim & Steve Armogida based on the hit 2003 feature comedy starring Jack Black and centers on the misadventures of a down-on-his-luck rocker who poses as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school as he teaches his eccentric, unconventional and overachieving students to play and love rock ānā roll. The show stars Tony Cavalero in the lead role. The Armogida Beothers (Crash & Bernstein) are also executive producing the Paramount Television production with the film’s director Richard Linklater (Boyhood, Dazed and Confused) and Scott Rudin (No Contry for Old Men, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Social Network). School of Rock will premiere later this year on Nickelodeon.
Mann also continues to score ABC’s Modern Family, SundanceTV’s Rectify, ABC Family’s Twisted and TV Land’s The Exes.