Premiering tonight is the HBO original docuseries The Anarchists directed by Todd Schramke and executive produced by Jason Blum, Jeremiah Crowell, Kim Kylland, Mary Lisio, Chris McCumber, Jeremy Gold, James Buddy Day, Andre Gaines & Allen Bain. The show’s original music is composed by Antonio Sanchez (Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), Get Shorty, Politics, Instructions Manual). […]
Posts Tagged ‘Peter Chapman’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (July 10, 2022)
Posted: July 10, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: 1UP, Amazon, Amit May Cohen, Antonio Sanchez, Disney Plus, Don't Make Me Go, George S. Clinton, Gregory Reveret, HBO, Jessica Rose Weiss, Kevin Lax, Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight, Mychael Danna, Netflix, Paramount+, Peter Chapman, Resident Evil, Robert Carli, Robert Lydecker, SkyMed, The Anarchists, Zombies 3
Weekly TV Music Roundup (March 27, 2016)
Posted: March 27, 2016 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: CBS, Hulu, Netflix, Peter Chapman, Rob Carli, Rush Hour, Ryeland Allison, Syfy, The Path, The Ranch, WAZ-Jackson, Will Bates, Wynonna Earp
Premiering on Wednesday, March 30, is the new Hulu original series The Path created by Jessica Goldberg, executive produced by Jason Katims and starring Aaron Paul, Michelle Monaghan, Hugh Dancy and Rockmond Dunbar. The show’s original music is composed by Will Bates (Another Earth, I Origins, The Magicians). To learn more about the drama, which follows a family at the […]