Premiering on Wednesday, December 4, is the new TNT original series Mob City created by Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption, The Walking Dead) and starring Jon Bernthal, Ed Burns, Neal McDonough and Jeremy Luke. The drama’s original score is composed by Mark Isham (Once Upon a Time, Crash) who has previously collaborated with Darabont on the features The Majestic […]
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas in Conway’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (December 1, 2013)
Posted: December 1, 2013 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Christmas in Conway, Geoff Zanelli, Kirstie, Mark Isham, Mob City, NBC, Ron Wasserman, The Sound of Music, TNT, TV Land
Geoff Zanelli to Score Hallmark’s ‘Christmas in Conway’
Posted: September 16, 2013 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Christmas in Conway, Geoff Zanelli, Hallmark Hall of Fame
Geoff Zanelli is scoring the upcoming Hallmark Hall of Fame original movie Christmas in Conway. The film is directed by John Kent Harrison and stars Mary-Louise Parker, Andy Garcia and Mandy Moore. The movie follows a man who builds a Ferris wheel in the backyard of his house as the perfect Christmas present for his […]