Simon Goff has composed the original music for the new BBC series The Gold. The show is written by Neil Forsyth (Guilt) and stars Hugh Bonneville, Jack Lowden, Dominic Cooper, Tom Cullen, Charlotte Spencer, Emun Elliott, Sean Harris, Ellora Torchia and Stefanie Martini. The 6-part drama tells the true story of the Brink’s-Mat robbery when […]
Posts Tagged ‘BBC’
Simon Goff Scoring BBC’s ‘The Gold’
Posted: February 4, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: BBC, Simon Goff, The Gold
Soundtrack Album for BBC’s ‘The Traitors’ Released
Posted: January 30, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, Sam Watts, score, Soundtrack, The Traitors
All3Media International has released a soundtrack album for the BBC unscripted competition series The Traitors. The album features selections of the show’s original music composed by Sam Watts (The Sarah Jane Adventures, Wizards vs. Aliens). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download overseas. Visit the British Amazon store to check out audio samples. The Traitors […]
‘His Dark Materials’ Season 3, Episodes 7 & 8 Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: December 26, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, HBO, His Dark Materials, Lorne Balfe, score, Soundtrack
The full details of the fifth and final soundtrack album for the third season of the HBO/BBC fantasy series His Dark Materials have been revealed. The album features the original score from seventh and eighth episodes of the show’s third and final season composed by Lorne Balfe (Mission: Impossible – Fallout, The LEGO Batman Movie, Black […]
Soundtrack Album for BBC’s ‘Wreck’ Released
Posted: December 26, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, score, Soundtrack, Steve Lynch, Wreck
Steve Lynch (Let Us Prey, Boys from Hell) has released a soundtrack album for the BBC series Wreck. The album features selections of the composer’s original score from the show’s first season and is now available to stream/download here, where you can also check out audio samples. Wreck is created by Ryan J. Brown and […]
‘Industry’ Season 2 Soundtrack Album Released
Posted: December 19, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, HBO, Industry, Nathan Micay, score, Soundtrack
LuckyMe Records has released a new soundtrack album for the HBO original series Industry. The album features selections of the original music from the show’s second season composed by Nathan Micay (The Last Bus). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download on Amazon and any other major digital music services. The label has previously released […]
‘His Dark Materials’ Season 3, Episodes 5 & 6 Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: December 19, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, HBO, His Dark Materials, Lorne Balfe, score, Soundtrack
The full details of the fourth soundtrack album for the third season of the HBO/BBC fantasy series His Dark Materials have been revealed. The album features the original score from fifth and sixth episodes of the show’s third and final season composed by Lorne Balfe (Mission: Impossible – Fallout, Black Adam, The LEGO Batman Movie, Black Widow, […]
‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ Soundtrack Released
Posted: December 19, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, Daniel Snaddon, René Aubry, Samantha Cutler, score, Soundtrack, The Smeds and the Smoos
René Aubry (The Gruffalo, The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily, Superworm, Zog, Room on the Broom, Under the Bombs) has released a soundtrack album for the BBC holiday animated special The Smeds and the Smoos. The album features the composer’s original music from the animated adventure and is now available to stream/download here, where you can also check […]
‘His Dark Materials’ Season 3, Episodes 3 & 4 Soundtrack Album Details
Posted: December 12, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: BBC, HBO, His Dark Materials, Lorne Balfe, score, Soundtrack
The full details of the third soundtrack album for the third season of the HBO/BBC fantasy series His Dark Materials have been revealed. The album features the original score from third and fourth episodes of the show’s third and final season composed by Lorne Balfe (Mission: Impossible – Fallout, Black Widow, The LEGO Batman Movie, […]