Premiering on Wednesday, June 30 is the animated comedy America: The Motion Picture directed by Matt Thompson and starring Channing Tatum, Jason Mantzoukas, Olivia Munn, Bobby Moynihan, Andy Samberg, Will Forte, Judy Greer, Raoul Trujillo, Killer Mike and Simon Pegg. The film’s original music is composed by Mark Mothersbaugh (Thor: Ragnarok, The LEGO Movie, The Royal […]
Posts Tagged ‘America: The Motion Picture’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (June 30, 2021)
Posted: June 27, 2021 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Amazon, America: The Motion Picture, Fear Street Part 1: 1994, Lorne Balfe, Marco Beltrami, Marcus Trumpp, Mark Mothersbaugh, Netflix, The Tomorrow War
Mark Mothersbaugh Scoring Netflix’s ‘America: The Motion Picture’
Posted: June 23, 2021 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: America: The Motion Picture, Mark Mothersbaugh, Matt Thompson, Netflix
Mark Mothersbaugh (Thor: Ragnarok, The Royal Tenenbaums, Hotel Transylvania, The Croods: A New Age) has recently scored the new Netflix original film America: The Motion Picture. The movie is directed by Matt Thompson (Archer, Cake) and features the voice talent of Channing Tatum, Jason Mantzoukas, Olivia Munn, Andy Samberg, Bobby Moynihan, Judy Greer, Will Forte, […]