Digital Rights Management has released a soundtrack album for the New Zealand historical action drama Ka Whawhai Tonu. The album features the film’s original music composed by Tiki Taane & Arli Liberman (Savage, Stylebender). Visit Amazon or any other major digital music services to stream/download the soundtrack. Also listen to the composers’ song Hold On to the Dream (feat. vocals by Louis Baker) and the first score track (Rangirua) below. Ka Whawhai Tonu is directed by Michael Jonathan and stars Temuera Morrison, Paku Fernandez, Jason Flemyng, Hinerangi Harawira-Nicholas, Cliff Curtis, Miriama Smith, Te Wakaunua and Te Kurapa. The movie tells the story of a teenage boy born of two cultures who must navigate a brutal war between the Māori and colonial British forces. The drama opened in New Zealand and Australian theaters last summer. No word yet on a domestic release.
Here’s the track list of the album:
1. Hold On To The Dream (Acoustic) – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & Louis Baker (3:27)
2. Rangirua (1:52)
3. Te Tūmatakahuki (The Binding) – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & Temuera Morrison (3:40)
4. Te Pae O Te Riri (The War God) – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman, Hinerangi Harawira-Nicholas & Rangi Rangitukunoa (4:31)
5. Te Repo (The Swamp) (1:20)
6. The Breach (2:29)
7. Kōpū’s Angst (3:18)
8. Rewi Takes a Stand – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & Temuera Morrison) (2:27)
9. Te Tārukenga (1:47)
10. Tīhore Mai Te Rangi – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman, Hinerangi Harawira-Nicholas & Tuwhanauroa Rangihau (1:03)
11. Manga – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman, Temuera Morrison & Paku Fernandez (2:32)
12. You Have Returned (1:40)
13. Te Whenua (2:48)
14. Mākurakura Te Ata (The Crimson Dawn) – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & Hinerangi Harawira-Nicholas (2:41)
15. Te Koronga (The Purpose) (1:46)
16. Ake Ake Ake (We Will Fight Forever) (2:53)
17. Karakia Whakawātea – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & Hinerangi Harawira-Nicholas (0:48)
18. Te Ariki – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & The Taane Sisters (3:00)
19. Hold On to the Dream – Tiki Taane, Arli Liberman & Louis Baker (3:36)