Netflix has announced today that singer/songwriter Smokey Robinson will serve as the executive music producer on an upcoming, currently untitled Netflix animated series. The show created by Josh Wakely (Beat Bugs) is set in the imaginary city of Motown, based on Detroit and its rich musical heritage, and revolves around a lovable, funny and slightly shy eight year old boy who discovers he has the extraordinary ability to bring street-art to life. The series will feature contemporary artists performing hit songs from the Motown catalog by artists including Robinson, Marvin Gaye, The Jackson 5, Lionel Richie, The Supremes, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder & more. No word yet on a premiere date for the show.
Smokey Robinson to Serve as Executive Music Producer on Motown-Themed Netflix Series
Posted: July 27, 2016 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: Josh Wakely, Netflix, Smokey Robinson