Aquí y Allí Films has released a soundtrack album for the Spanish sci-fi comedy The Fantastic Golem Affairs (El fantástico caso del Golem). The album features the film’s original music composed by Sergio Bertran (The Queen of the Lizards, The Supers). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download on Amazon (and any other major digital music services), where you can also check out the track list and listen to audio clips. The Fantastic Golem Affairs is directed by Burnin’ Percebes (Juan González & Nando Martínez) and stars Brays Efe, Bruna Cusí, Javier Botet, Luis Tosar, Anna Castillo, Roberto Álamo and Tito Valverde. The movie follows two friends after a night of intense partying in Madrid, when one of them falls from a terrace, with his body disintegrating into ceramic pieces after hitting a car. The comedy premiered at this year’s Malaga Film Festival and just opened in Spanish theaters last weekend.