Ruth Barrett is scoring the upcoming ITV and PBS Masterpiece series Sanditon. The show is developed by Andrew Davies (War & Peace, Les Miserables) based on Jane Austen’s novel of the same title and stars Rose Williams, Theo James, Anne Reid, Kris Marshall, Kate Ashfield, Jack Fox, Charlotte Spencer, Lily Sacofsky and Adrian Scarborough. The 8-part period drama tells the story of the joyously impulsive, spirited and unconventional Charlotte Heywood and her spiky relationship with the humorous, charming Sidney Parker. Davies is also executive producing the project with Red Planet Pictures’ Belinda Campbell (Dickensian) and Rebecca Eaton (Downton Abbey, Poldark, Sherlock). Barrett (Bodyguard, Harry Brown) has previously scored the ITV/Masterpiece shows Victoria and The Durells, which is finishing its series run today. Sanditon is expected to premiere later this year in the UK on ITV and in the U.S. on PBS.
Ruth Barrett Scoring ITV’s & PBS Masterpiece’s ‘Sanditon’
Posted: May 12, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Andrew Davies, ITV, PBS, Ruth Barrett, Sanditon
The trailer to Sanditon is probably very good but the voices of the actors are completely drowned out by the music. It is impossible to hear what they are saying. I hope this is not a taste of things to come in the series. Background music should stay in the background. No reflection on the composer but on the sound engineers who put the trailer together.
I loved the music throughout episode 1 of Sanditon this evening. I thought it was in a similar vein to that in Gentleman Jack (which I also loved). In particular I liked the song in the ball scene and wondered who the singer is, and in what language she was singing?
Will there be a downloadable soundtrack?
Loved the music which is by Ruth Barrett and I think it was her singing at the ball
Correction – I think Kate is right – it’s Julie Fowlis singing at the ball.
I agree. I thought the music was very similar to Gentleman Jack. Excellent.
The singer is Julie Fowlis and she is singing in Scots Gaelic.
I loved that scene and would love to know the song AND the dance being performed!!
Julie Fowlis
i echo andrea’s comment. please how can i get the song sung during the ball scene. who sings it and what is it’s title please
I wondered if it was Julie Fowlis, singing in afraid. But not sure!
Gaelic- grr to autocorrect!!
Julie Fowlis unless I am very much mistaken. It certainly sounds and looks like her
I’d also love to know if there’s a recording of the ball song.
If anyone finds it, could you post a name of the song?
I found the closing ball song if anyone else is interested.
As others said, it’s by Julie Fowlis and is called:
Puirt-À-Beul Set: Ribinnean Riomhach
From the album: Gach Sgeul
I may be wrong, but I believe the Julie Fowlis track was this Puirt-a-Beul, not the one referenced above:
Puirt-A-Beul Set (‘s Toigh Leam Fhin Buntata ‘s
It can be heard here. The song that begins at about the 1:20 mark is, I believe, what she sang in the show. (But I could be wrong!)
What was the music used towards the beginning of episode one. It reminded me of the music from The Magnificent Seven or Copeland.
Found it. It was Copland (just discovered I was spelling his name incorrectly) it’s from “Hoedown” – about 40 seconds in.
Can you tell us what flute & cello duet baroque music was being played when the guests arrived and Lady Denhams lunch party half way through episode 2 please?
Please telll me. Is there any link between the music from Gentleman Jack and Sanditon?
Colin Lewis.
Hi, does anyone know whether the soundtrack to Sanditon will be released on CD or MP3?
Absolutely love the music, the music is dialogue itself. I hope the songs will be available for purchase. I love the song that plays when Charlotte and Tom are dancing in episode 6, my absolute favourite. Also love the song that plays when Charlotte and Sydney first dance in episode 1 and the song that is played when Charlotte dances with Edward. Love it.
Episode 6 when Tom and Charlotte dance is The London Ball (from minute 3) on the Sanditon soundtrack
Cómo se llama la canción cuando bailan en el capítulo 6? Si alguien sabe, así la busco.
Hi Guys,
do you may be know the author of the very last song played in episode 7, as Sidney admits his love to Charlotte?
Thx in advance
Hi, I really would like to know what music was playing when Charlotte was leaving Sanditon especially after she said good bye to Sidney. I can’t find it anywhere. Does anybody know?
Here’s the complete playlist from Sanditon, Season 1:
Hi, does anybody know the piano music starts at
0.36.30 at Sanditon?
Does anyone know the music playing when Charlotte and Sidney are rowing before the Regatta? LOVE IT
what is the piece of music in thr first episode at the 38th minute when charlotte dances with sir edward denham? I’ve been searching for two months and I haven’t been able to find a single clue. Please help me.
Rutt Barret has mixed modern with classical music. I have been looking for the classical influences; it seems like Ruth only mentions folks and other modern influences. A list of the classical passages she has intermingled in the score would be appreciated.
Why the continual quotes from Aaron Copeland’s How Down in the music?
Even if the quoting was intentional – its way out of date with the setting of the story?