Premiering tomorrow, February 25 is the NBC drama The Enemy Within created by Ken Woodruff and starring Jennifer Carpenter, Morris Chestnut, Raza Jaffrey, Kelli Garner, Cassandra Freeman and Noah Mills. The show’s original music is composed by Bobby Krlic (aka The Haxan Cloak) (Seven Seconds, Triple 9, Shooter). Check out our previous news article to learn more about the series, which will […]
Posts Tagged ‘Whiskey Cavalier’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (February 24, 2019)
Posted: February 24, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Alexander Wolfe, Amazon, Bobby Krlic, Dominik Scherrer, Fernando Vacas, Flack, Gone, Harry Gregson-Williams, NBC, Netflix, Pop, Richard Marvin, The Enemy Within, The Widow, Tom Howe, Tu Hijo, WGN America, Whiskey Cavalier, Your Son
Harry Gregson-Williams to Score ABC’s ‘Whiskey Cavalier’
Posted: August 29, 2018 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: ABC, Harry Gregson-Williams, Whiskey Cavalier
Harry Gregson-Williams is set to score the upcoming ABC action dramedy Whiskey Cavalier. The show is created by Dave Hemingson (Kitchen Confidential) and stars Scott Foley, Lauren Cohan, Ana Ortiz, Tyler James Williams, Josh Hopkins and Vir Das. The series follows the adventures of an FBI agent who, following an emotional break-up, is assigned to […]