Opening in theaters nationwide is the animated feature DC League of Super-Pets directed by Jared Stern and starring Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, John Krasinski, Natasha Lyonne, Kate McKinnon, Diego Luna, Vanessa Bayer and Keanu Reeves. The film’s original music is composed by Steve Jablonsky (Transformers,Deepwater Horizon, Ender’s Game, Lone Survivor, The Island). WaterTower Music has released a […]
Posts Tagged ‘The Reef: Stalked’
Weekly Film Music Roundup (July 29, 2022)
Posted: July 29, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music NewsTags: A Love Song, Ali & Ava, Benjamin Wallfisch, DC League of Super-Pets, Finneas O'Connell, Harry Escott, Jim Williams, Mark Smythe, Ramzi Bashour, Resurrection, Steve Jablonsky, The Reef: Stalked, Thirteen Lives, Vengeance
‘The Reef: Stalked’ Soundtrack Released
Posted: July 29, 2022 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Andrew Traucki, Mark Smythe, score, Soundtrack, The Reef: Stalked
Mark Smythe (Daddy’s Little Girl, Charlie’s War, Boar, Unfallen) has released a soundtrack album for the shark thriller The Reef: Stalked. The album features the composer’s original score and is now available to stream/download on Amazon, where you can also check out audio samples. The Reef: Stalked is written directed by Andrew Traucki and stars […]