Dirk Brossé is composing the score for the upcoming romantic adventure Singularity. The film is directed by Roland Joffé (The Mission, The Killing Fields) and stars Josh Hartnett, Tamsin Egerton, Bipasha Basu and Abhay Deol. The movie follows a marine archaeologist who is left brain dead after a dangerous dive to save his wife while […]
Posts Tagged ‘Singularity’
Dirk Brossé Scoring Roland Joffé’s ‘Singularity’
Posted: March 8, 2013 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Dirk Brosse, Roland Joffé, Singularity
Harald Kloser to Co-Write and Co-Produce Roland Emmerich’s ‘Singularity’
Posted: June 29, 2011 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Anonymous, Harald Kloser, Roland Emmerich, Singularity, Thomas Wander
Deadline reports that composer/screenwriter/producer Harald Kloser co-wrote the screenplay for Roland Emmerich’s upcoming science fiction movie Singularity, which he is also co-producing. No word yet on if he will be writing the score for the film as well, but given his previous work with the director, it is assumed that he will also be involved […]