Premiering tonight is the new Fox comedy drama The Orville created by Seth MacFarlane and starring himself, alongside Adrianne Palicki, Mark Jackson, Scott Grimes, Peter Macon, J Lee, Halston Sage and Penny Johnson. Bruce Broughton (Silverado) has composed the show’s theme and score for the first episode and John Debney (The Passion of the Christ) and Joel McNeely (A Million Ways to Die in the West) are scoring the following episodes. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Paul S. Henning’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (September 10, 2017)
Posted: September 10, 2017 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: American Vandal, Bruce Broughton, Darien Shulman, Epix, Foreman, Fox, HBO, Ilan Eshkeri, Joel McNeely, John Debney, Netflix, Paul S. Henning, Riviera, Sundance Now, The Deuce, The Orville