Premiering today is the National Geographic original documentary series OceanXplorers and narrated by James Cameron and executive produced by Cameron, Maria Wilhelm, Roger Webb, Orla Doherty, Ray Dalio, Vincent Pieribone, Mark Dalio, Joe Ruffolo and Kevin Tao Mohs about OceanX’s state-of-the-art scientific research and exploration vessel. The show’s original music is composed by Nainita Desai (For […]
Posts Tagged ‘OceanXplorers’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (August 18, 2024)
Posted: August 18, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Chip Crazy, David Mitcham, Fifteen-Love, HBO, Hulu, Jessica Jones, Jonathan Sadoff, Kathryn Bostic, Marco Beltrami, Nainita Desai, National Geographic, Netflix, OceanXplorers, Peacock, Secret Lives of Orangutans, The Killer, The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat, Tim Morrish
National Geographic’s ‘OceanXplorers’ to Feature Music by Nainita Desai
Posted: June 5, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Nainita Desai, National Geographic, OceanXplorers
Nainita Desai (For Sama, The Deepest Breath, The Tower, Crossfire, The Reason I Jump, Tales of Kenzera: ZAU, Funny Woman) is scoring the upcoming National Geographic documentary series OceanXplorers. The show is executive produced and narrated by James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar, Aliens) and takes audiences aboard the OceanXplorer, OceanX’s state-of-the-art scientific research and exploration vessel, to investigate the farthest […]