Premiering today is the National Geographic original documentary series Incredible Animal Journeys narrated by Jeremy Renner and executive produced by Martha Holmes, Sarah Gibbs & Tom Hugh-Jones. The show’s original music is composed by Jake Monaco (Jerry & Marge Go Large, Cars on the Road, Dumplin’, Flora & Ulysses, Let’s Be Cops, Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie, Keeping Up […]
Posts Tagged ‘Obituary’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (November 19, 2023)
Posted: November 19, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: A Nearly Normal Family, Anne Dudley, Apple TV +, Dan Romer, Disney Channel, Genie, Hulu, Incredible Animal Journeys, Jake Monaco, Kenny Wood, National Geographic, Netflix, Obituary, Peacock, Steve Lynch, The Naughty Nine, The Velveteen Rabbit, Uno Helmersson
Soundtrack Album for RTÉ’s & Hulu’s ‘Obituary’ to Be Released
Posted: September 25, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in TV Music AlbumsTags: Hulu, Obituary, RTÉ, score, Soundtrack, Steve Lynch
Steve Lynch (Wreck, Let Us Prey, Boys from Hell) will release a soundtrack album for the RTÉ series Obituary. The album features the composer’s original score from the show and will be released digitally tomorrow, September 26 and will be available to stream/download on Amazon and any other major digital music services. Obituary is written by Ray […]