Premiering tonight is the HBO original documentary Leaving Neverland directed by Dan Reed about Michael Jackson’s long-running relationships with two boys, aged 7 and 10, and their families. The 2-parter’s original music is composed by Chad Hobson (Adulthood, Sket, Offender, Path of Blood). The documentary premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and is premiering in […]
Posts Tagged ‘Formula 1: Drive to Survive’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (March 3, 2019)
Posted: March 3, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: After Life, Amazon, Andy Burrows, Chad Hobson, Formula 1: Drive to Survive, HBO, Hulu, Into the Dark, Juanita, Kevin Lax, Leaving Neverland, Made in Heaven, Morgan Kibby, Netflix, Sean Murray, Walk. Ride. Rodeo., Walter Mair
Walter Mair Scoring Netflix’s ‘Formula 1: Drive to Survive’
Posted: February 23, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Formula 1: Drive to Survive, Netflix, Walter Mair
Walter Mair (The Same Sky, Cuffs, Glue, Blood Orange) has recently scored the new Netflix original docu-series Formula 1: Drive to Survive. The show is executive produced by James Gay Rees (Amy, Senna), Paul Martin (Make Us Dream), & showrunner Sophie Todd and follows a group of drivers, managers and team owners during one cutthroat season […]