Premiering tomorrow, February 22, is the HBO documentary Becoming Mike Nichols directed and produced by Douglas McGrath and documents the early life of the influential director and producer. The film’s original music is composed by David Lawrence (American Pie, High School Musical, Jericho, Van Wilder: Party Liaison) who previously scored McGrath’s 2000 feature Company Men. To learn more about the documentary, which was […]
Posts Tagged ‘Becoming Mike Nichols’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (February 21, 2016)
Posted: February 21, 2016 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: BBC America, Becoming Mike Nichols, Bennett Salvay, Daniel Pemberton, David Lawrence, Fuller House, HBO, Jesse Frederick, Netflix, Sarah Warne
David Lawrence to Score Douglas McGrath’s HBO Documentary ‘Becoming Mike Nichols’
Posted: December 31, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Becoming Mike Nichols, David Lawrence, Douglas McGrath, HBO
David Lawrence has signed on to score the upcoming documentary Becoming Mike Nichols. The film is directed by Douglas McGrath (Emma, Nicholas Nickleby, I Don’t Know How She Does It, Infamous) and shows director, producer and improvisational comedy Mike Nichols’ final and historic interviews filmed just months before his death. The movie documents the early life of Nichols (The Graduate, Closer, The Birdcage, Charlie Wilson’s […]