Richard Reed Parry (of Arcade Fire) has teamed up with Pietro Amato (The Weekend Sailor, Last Woman Standing) have teamed up to score the upcoming British drama The Thing with Feathers. The film is directed by Dylan Southern (Shut Up and Play the Hits, Meet Me in the Bathroom) and stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Boxall, Henry Boxall, Vinette Robinson, Eric Lampaert and Sam Spruell. The movie revolves around a young father struggling to process the unexpected death of his wife who loses his hold on reality as a seemingly malign presence begins to stalk him from the shadowy recesses of the apartment he shares with his two young children. Andrea Cornwell (Love Lies Bleeding, Saint Maud) and Leah Clarke & Adam Ackland (We Live in Time, Patrick Melrose) are producing the project The Thing with Feathers will premiere in January at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival.

As previously reported, Parry (whose other scoring credits include such titles as The Iron ClawEileen and The Nest) also has Duke Johnson’s The Actor coming up.