Beyond C has released a new soundtrack album for the 2004 Japanese experimental animated feature Mind Game written and directed by Masaaki Yuasa and based on the manga of the same title created by Robin Nishi. The album features the film’s original music composed by Seiichi Yamamoto (Ichi the Killer, Adrenaline Drive) and the Mysterious Robot. The soundtrack is now available to stream/download internationally for the first time on all major digital music platforms, including Amazon, where you can also check out the track list. Also listen to the title track below. A CD version is being released in Japan today by Rambling Records and will be available to order in the U.S. as an import here within the next couple of days. Mind Game was released in Japanese theaters in 2004 and was picked up by GKIDS for a U.S. theatrical release in early 2018. The film is now available on VOD and Blu-ray/DVD.