Toby Chu has been hired to score the upcoming NBC drama The Brave. The show is created by Dean Georgaris (The Manchurian Candidate, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life) and stars Anne Heche, Mike Vogel, Sofia Pernas, Tate Ellington, Natacha Karam, Demetrius Grosse, Noah Mills and Hadi Tabbal. The series revolves around an elite team of military operatives who use advance surveillance techniques to help execute dangerous missions around the world to save innocent people from harm. Georgaris is also executive producing the Keshet Studios production with Avi Nir (Homeland, Tyrant), Alon Shtruzman (Dig), Peter Traugott (Samantha Who?), Rachel Kaplan (Manhattan Love Story), as well as Brad Anderson (The Machinist, The Call) who also directed the pilot episode. The Brave is set to premiere on September 25, 2017 and will air Monday nights on NBC. Visit the official show website for updates.
Chu (Covert Affairs, Burn Notice, Unforgettable, Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return) also continues to score Freeform’s Beyond, which will return for a second season later this year or in early 2018.