Opening nationwide today is the action thriller sequel Taken 3 directed by Olivier Megaton, produced by Luc Besson and starring Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace, Dogray Scott, Sam Spruell and Leland Orser. The film’s original music is composed by Nathaniel Mechaly (Colombiana, Taxi Brooklyn) who previously scored the first two movies in […]
Posts Tagged ‘Taken 3’
Weekly Film Music Roundup (January 9, 2015)
Posted: January 9, 2015 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Austin Wintory, Dark Summer, Nathaniel Mechaly, Peter Spierig, Predestination, Taken 3, The World Made Straight
‘Taken 3’ Soundtrack Details
Posted: December 20, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Nathaniel Mechaly, score, Soundtrack, Taken, Taken 3
EuropaCorp will release a soundtrack album for the action thriller sequel Taken 3. The album features the film’s original music composed by Nathaniel Mechaly (Colombiana, Taxi Brooklyn) who previously scored the first two installments in the series. Also included are the songs from the movie by artists including Glass Animals, Olafur Arnalds & Arnor Dan […]
Nathaniel Mechaly to Return for ‘Taken 3’
Posted: September 30, 2014 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Nathaniel Mechaly, Olivier Megaton, Taken, Taken 3
Nathaniel Mechaly is reteaming with director Olivier Megaton to score the action thriller sequel Taken 3. The film stars Liam Neeson as ex-covert operative Bryan Mills, whose reconciliation with his ex-wife is tragically cut short when she is brutally murdered and is framed for the crime. Forest Whitaker, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace, Dogray Scott, Sam Spruell and […]