David Newman (Ice Age, Anastasia, Serenity, Galaxy Quest, The Flintstones, The Nutty Professor, The War of the Roses) has been hired to score the upcoming British comedy Arthur’s Whisky. The film is directed by Stephen Cookson (Brighton) and stars Diane Keaton, Patricia Hodge, Lulu, David Harewood OBE, Boy George, Bill Paterson, Hayley Mills, Adil Ray, Esme […]
Posts Tagged ‘Stephen Cookson’
David Newman to Score Stephen Cookson’s ‘Arthur’s Whisky’
Posted: July 5, 2023 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Arthur's Whisky, David Newman, Sky Cinema, Stephen Cookson
Gary Yershon in Talk to Score Stephen Cookson’s ‘Brighton’
Posted: June 6, 2018 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Brighton, Gary Yershon, Stephen Cookson
Screen Daily is reporting that Gary Yershon is in talks to score the upcoming British comedy Brighton. The film is directed by Stephen Cookson (Stanley A Man Of Variety) and stars Phil Davis, Larry Lamb, Marion Bailey and Ruth Sheen. The movie is based on Steven Berkoff’s stage play Brighton Beach Scumbags and follows two older […]