Mac Quayle (Mr. Robot, American Horror Story, American Crime Story, Feud: Bette and Joan, The Politician) has composed the original music for the new HBO docu-series The Vow. The show is directed by Jehane Noujaim & Karim Amer (The Square, The Great Hack) and examines the self-improvement group NXIVM, whose leaders have been charged with […]
Posts Tagged ‘Jehane Noujaim’
Mac Quayle Scoring HBO’s ‘The Vow’
Posted: August 17, 2020 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: HBO, Jehane Noujaim, Karim Amer, Mac Quayle, The Vow
‘The Great Hack’ Soundtrack Released
Posted: October 4, 2019 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: Gil Talmi, Jehane Noujaim, Karim Amer, Netflix, score, Soundtrack, The Great Hack
BMG has released a soundtrack album for the Netflix documentary The Great Hack. The album features the film’s original music composed by Gil Talmi (Savannah, Chavela, Food Chains). The soundtrack is now available to stream and download on Amazon Music, where you can also check out audio samples. The Great Hack is directed by Karim […]