George Fenton is reuniting with director Ken Loach on the upcoming comedy drama The Angels’ Share. The film starring John Henshaw, William Ruane, Gary Maitland, Roger Allam,Paul Brannigan, Siobhan Reilly and Jasmin Riggins follows a new father who narrowly avoids a prison sentence and starts a whisky distillery. Frequent Loach collaborator Paul Laverty (The Wind […]
Posts Tagged ‘George Fenton’
George Fenton Scoring Ken Loach’s ‘The Angels’ Share’
Posted: March 10, 2012 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: George Fenton, Ken Loach, The Angels' Share
George Fenton in Concert
Posted: March 2, 2011 by filmmusicreporter in Composer Interviews, Film Music News, Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Concert, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Frozen Planet, George Fenton, Route Irish
Last weekend, George Fenton performed with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra for the first part in the orchestra’s Masters of Film Music series. Selections from Fenton’s scores including Dangerous Liaisons, Ever After and Anna and the King were performed and Andy Tennant, director and long time collaborator of Fenton (most recently on The Bounty Hunter, Fool’s […]
The Bounty Hunter score album announced
Posted: March 7, 2010 by filmmusicreporter in Film Music AlbumsTags: George Fenton, The Bounty Hunter
George Fenton’s score for the romantic comedy The Bounty Hunter will be released on March 16 by Sony Pictures Entertainment. The movie is directed by regular Fenton collaborater Andy Tennant (Hitch, Sweet Home Alabama, Ever After, Fool’s Gold) and stars Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. The movie will be released in theaters on March 19. Here’s […]