Premiering on Wednesday, October 23, is the HBO original documentary series Breath of Fire directed by Hayley Pappas & Smiley Stevens about millennial Guru Jagat and his evolution while chronicling the shocking secret history of Kundalini through its origins in the 1960s to its expansion in the U.S. and its presence in wellness circles today. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Before’
Weekly TV Music Roundup (October 20, 2024)
Posted: October 20, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in Film Scoring AssignmentsTags: Amazon, Apple TV +, Beauty in Black, Before, Breath of Fire, Canary Black, Family Pack, Fernando Velazquez, Gabriel Mounsey, Guillaume Roussel, HBO, Jay Wadley, Jessica Rose Weiss, JimiJame$, Johnny Klimek, Netflix, Sarah Lipstate, Territory, The Last Night at Tremore Beach, Wow Jones
Jay Wadley Scoring Apple TV+’s ‘Before’
Posted: October 7, 2024 by filmmusicreporter in TV Scoring AssignmentsTags: Apple TV +, Before, Jay Wadley
Jay Wadley (I’m Thinking of Ending Things, Swan Song, Franklin, Indignation, I Carry You with Me, We Grown Now, Fire Island) is the composer of the new Apple TV+ limied series Before. The show is created by Sarah Torp (The Bounty Hunter, Twisted) and stars Billy Crystal, Judith Light, Rosie Perez, Jacobi Jupe, Maria Dizzia and Ava […]