Mychael Danna has been tapped to compose the music for the upcoming Pixar animated short Sanjay’s Super Team. The film is directed by animator Sanjay Patel who makes his directorial debut and follows a young Indian boy who is watching cartoons on TV and begins “daydreaming a kind of ancient, Hindu version of “The Avengers,” with the gods appearing like superheroes.” Nicole Paradis Grindle is producing the short, which marks Danna’s first project for Pixar Animation and his second animated film following 2007’s Surf’s Up. Sanjay’s Super Team will premiere at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in June and is set to play in front of Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur, which will be released on November 25, 2015. (Los Angeles Times)
Danna’s other upcoming projects also include Atom Egoyan’s Remember starring Christopher Plummer.
Danna should score a feature film for Pixar, not only shorts.
Interesting choice of a composer, and I won’t be surprised if this decision had something to do with Danna’s academy award winning work for Life of Pi. Would welcome a chance of hearing a full Pixar feature score by MD too. Though it is curious why Pixar hasn’t brought David Newman, John Powell, or even Joel McNeely on board (Unless, of course, they had and these guys turned down the offer.)
Speaking of Pixar, what became of Thomas Newman on Good Dinosaur? Is he still attached? Will he work on Peter Sohn’s cut of the film?
Couldn’t find Newman’s name attached to The Good Dinosaur on IMDB, so he’s probably being replaced. However, he’s still hired to score Finding Dory.
For The Good Dinosaur, they’ll probably move on with someone they trust, like his cousin Randy Newman, for example.
Joe Hishasi
Jeff Danna would have been an interesting choice, based upon his score to the TV movie “A Wrinkle in Time”.