Mark Isham is scoring the upcoming action thriller Homefront. The movie is directed by Gary Fleder (Runaway Jury) and stars Jason Statham, James Franco, Frank Grillo, Winona Ryder, Izabela Vidovic and Kate Bosworth. The film follows an ex-DEA agent who moves his family to a quiet town hoping to escape his past and finds the town to be overrun with violence, drug traffickers and an evil meth magnate. Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay and is also producing the Millennium Films production with Kevin King Templeton (The Expendables, Rocky Balboa, Rambo) and Rene Besson (Drive Angry, The Mechanic). Avi Lerner and Trevor Short are executive producing the project. The composer has also previously collaborated with Fleder on such films as Kiss the Girls, Don’t Say a Word and The Express. Homefront is currently in post-production. No word yet on a release date.
Isham has recently scored the sports drama 42 and finished scoring the second season of ABC’s hit show Once Upon a Time. Also coming up for the composer is Frank Darabont’s TNT original series Lost Angels (previously entitled L.A. Noir) and the drama The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete, which he co-scored with Alicia Keys.
where can I find the HOMEFRONT OST? Thanks