Ala Bianca Group has released a soundtrack album for the drama Last Words. The album features the film’s original music composed by Tom Smail (The Devil’s Tattoo, Daphne). Visit Amazon or any other major digital music services to stream/download the soundtrack. Last Words is co-written and directed by Jonathan Nossiter and stars Nick Nolte, Kalipha Touray, Stellan Skarsgard, Charlotte Rampling and Alba Rohrwacher. The movie is set in 2085 and tells the story of a young man, one of the few survivors of the human community of old, as he embarks on a long voyage to find others. The drama, which was selected to premiere at the canceled 2020 Cannes Film Festival, was released in select theaters and on VOD in late 2021 by Gravitas Ventures and is now also available on Blu-ray and DVD.

Here’s the album track list:

1. Opening (3:50)
2. Death of the Sister (1:58)
3. Leaving Paris (0:29)
4. Big Fade to Auxerre (1:40)
5. The Road to Bologna (1:32)
6. Exploring Bologna (1:12)
7. Finding Nick (0:38)
8. To the Film Room (1:33)
9. They Are Very Alive (0:30)
10. The Film Room (0:35)
11. The Cinema (0:54)
12. Go to Athens (2:09)
13. Poisonous Roulette (0:22)
14. Kal Watching Nick (0:21)
15. Kal Drinks Poison (1:08)
16. Nick’s Story (3:11)
17. I’m Sure Glad You’re Awake (0:39)
18. To Build a Camera (Part 1) (0:21)
19. To Build a Camera (Part 2) (0:38)
20. Attempting a Camera (0:59)
21. Making the Film Stock (0:37)
22. Cutting the Film Stock (0:51)
23. You Can Cut the Film (0:27)
24. Leaving Bologna (0:30)
25. Kampu Sign (0:20)
26. Far, Far Away (0:32)
27. Subtle Buster Keaton (0:57)
28. Ah, Shit (1:08)
29. Killing Time (2:17)
30. Green, Green (0:29)
31. Arrival at the Camp (2:34)
32. After So Much Loneliness/Nice, Huh (1:32)
33. The Garden (2:29)
34. The Magic Box (1:18)
35. Death Was Still There (0:39)
36. You Are Father (1:21)
37. Anna’s Story (Parts 1 to 8) (5:31)
38. The Fish (4:20)
39. Batlk’s Birth Day (1:19)
40. Stellan Coughing (0:27)
41. Who Will Be the Last (3:15)
42. The Massacre (2:00)
43. Three People Left (1:10)
44. I Will Stop Filming (0:27)
45. Credits (0:20)

  1. says:

    what is this