Kevin Kiner is returning to score to score Lucasfilm’s upcoming Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The show follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. The project is executive produced by Dave Filoni (The Mandalorian), Athena Portillo (Star Wars Resistance), Brad Rau and Jennifer Corbett. Rau also serves as the supervising director and Corbett serves as head writer. Kiner has previously scored all episodes of Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, as well as The Clone Wars feature film. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will premiere later this year on Disney+.
Kiner also continues to co-score Doom Patrol & Titans (with Clint Mansell) and Narcos: Mexico (with Gustavo Santaolalla), which will all return for new seasons in 2021/2022.